Archive for the ‘Tips’ Category

Mac OS Lion: The easy way to make a bootable install disk.

By now you’ve probably heard that Apple will be selling a Lion thumb drive option later this fall…for an upcharge. And making your own bootable disk was a little to complex for the average Joe. Well, no more. shares and easy way to make a bootable Mac OS X Lion disk. It’s Lion DiskMaker. And as Cult […]

Mac OS Lion: Wanna get rid of the Dashboard?

The Dashboard feature in Mac OS X Lion doesn’t bother us a bit. Dare we say, we actually like it. But we’ve heard from more than a few that they simply find it annoying. If you’re in the second group, then this is the post for you: how to get rid of the Dashboard as […]

Mac OS Lion: More tips and tricks from around the web.

We received and shared many a tips since the launch of Apple new operating system—Mac OS X Lion. From scrolling to saving to organizing apps, there’s a load of great stuff out there. Well, we’re happy to say that we’ve come across one site that’s done a great job of listing and outlining some of […]

Mac OS Lion: Cleaning up the Launchpad.

As much as we love the new Launchpad in Apple’s new operating system, Mac OS X Lion, we have to admit, when you first open up launchpad, the desktop is a mess. Apps are everywhere. Especially if you have Adobe CS4 and other third party apps on your computer. Well…have no fear, Launchpad Control is […]

Mac OS Lion: Airdrop doesn’t work on older Macs. Even if they’re running Lion.

Earlier we outlined Airdrop in Mac OS X Lion. Today, we came across a list of supported Macs published by They write: To use AirDrop, you’ll need a Mac incorporating hardware support for the new feature, which involves Mac models built no earlier than late 2008. Then they list the supported Macs: 13 or […]

Mac OS Lion: Revealing your dock in fullscreen mode.

If your like us, you like the new full screen mode in Apple’s new operating system: Mac OS X Lion. But sometimes we miss the dock, as Lion hides the dock automatically in full screen mode. So what to do? Well, MacWorld does a nice job of explaining the quickest, easiest way to access your […]

Mac OS Lion: Are you experiencing video-related freezes? is reporting video-related freezes popping up across the web in regards to the new Mac OS X Lion operating system. Here’s what they have to say: We have received numerous tips regarding issues with OS X Lion resulting in Macs freezing after waking up from sleep. A thread on Apple’s Discussion forum about this problem already […]

Mac OS Lion: Window resizing we’ve all been waiting for.

Want to resize a window on a Mac. Better have good aim with your mouse to catch the bottom right corner just right. Until now. Finally. The new Mac OS X Lion operating system allows window resizing by using your mouse pointer anywhere on the window’s edge. TUAW goes a little more in-depth: Simply point […]

Mac OS X Lion: Joining captive networks without a web browser.

A not-so-well-known feature of Apple’s new operating system, Mac OS X Lion, is one that those who frequent coffee shops and other “working” establishments are sure to love. Us included. Browserless login to captive Wi-Fi. TUAW outlines the process in a pretty simple way: If you’ve ever used one of these institutional wireless offerings, you […]

Mac OS X Lion: How to make a bootable install disk.

If you’ve already downloaded Mac OS X Lion then you already know this: the download can take quite some time. So why do it more than once? And if you ever need to reinstall Lion (or put it on other machines) that’s exactly what you’ll have to do—unless, of course, you buy the USB thumb […]