Archive for the ‘Lion’ Category

Mac OS X Lion: Sonos updates software for Apple’s new operating system.

We love news like this—another company updates their software for Mac OS X Lion, Apple’s new operating system. This time the company doing the update is Sonos for their easy-to-use home music system. And, yes, we’re big fans of Sonos. Though the inconveniences caused by Lion were a major problem for many. Here’s what […]

Mac OS X Lion: Server bug discovered with Windows XP and Windows 7.

Another day, another bug. But we think some bugs should somewhat be expected with a new operating system…and, no, we don’t think that makes it okay either. So what is it this time? Well, is reporting a bug has been discovered in OS X Lion Server. According to, it appears when a user […]

Mac OS X Lion: Accepts any LDAP password.

Security issues, anyone? According to a recent post at, Mac OS X Lion has a major one. And one that could be a nightmare for network administrators everywhere. Here’s what has to say: For some reason, Macs running Lion that use LDAP to authenticate users to shared resources work just fine for the […]

Mac OS Lion: Signature for PDFs made easy.

Apple’s new operating system—OS X Lion—has made signing PDFs easier than ever. And does a great job of explaining this handy new feature. Here’s their take: It’s been possible to scan in your handwritten signature and sign documents in earlier versions of Mac OS X, but it was a complex process and one most […]

Mac OS Lion: Ships without Flash Player, but can it stay that way?

Apple’s new operating ships with Flash Player installed. But what about all the Flash video on the web? Well, you can either install the battery-draining software or look for another option. But is there really another option? Well, according to this article by, there is…and here’s what they have to say: …the FlashtoHTML5 extension […]

Mac OS Lion: Our first update has arrived—10.7.1.

Any little kinks you’ve been experiencing with Mac OS X Lion will hopefully be solved…with Apple’s release(s) of its first update to the new operating system. According to, the new update addresses the following: The 10.7.1 update is recommended for all users running OS X Lion and includes general operating system fixes that enhance […]

Mac OS Lion: What don’t you like about Lion? No problem, just tweak it.

Well look at what we have here? A free download that let’s you tweak many of the new, little features in Apple’s new operating system—Mac OS X Lion—that may or may not bug the living ___ out of you. TUAW is where we came across this little gem called Lion Tweaks. And here’s what they […]

Mac OX Lion: The super-duper, wammer-jammer guide to everything Lion. And then some.

When enough is never enough, MacWorld is there for you…with an in-depth 132-page guide to anything and everything Mac OS X Lion. Seriously, check it out for yourself, as here’s what they have to say: In this book, we walk you through everything you need to know about Lion, starting with a comprehensive rundown of […]

Mac OS Lion: Hate the new look of iCal in Lion?

You’re not alone. But someone did more than just complain, they actually did something about it. Over at, they created new images files to go inside and to give them an aluminium look like previous versions of OS X. And best of all, they gave the step-by-step on how to change it: […]

Mac OS Lion: What to do if AutoCorrect is usually AutoWrong.

Been there, done that. You know, when you type something out and hit send before you realize autocorrect changed your text to read something else…something just a little awkward or embarrassing. Well, instead of just dealing with it every now and then, you can do in Lion what you can do in IOS. You can […]