Posts Tagged ‘Launchpad’

Mac OX Lion: The super-duper, wammer-jammer guide to everything Lion. And then some.

When enough is never enough, MacWorld is there for you…with an in-depth 132-page guide to anything and everything Mac OS X Lion. Seriously, check it out for yourself, as here’s what they have to say: In this book, we walk you through everything you need to know about Lion, starting with a comprehensive rundown of […]

Mac OS Lion: Cleaning up the Launchpad.

As much as we love the new Launchpad in Apple’s new operating system, Mac OS X Lion, we have to admit, when you first open up launchpad, the desktop is a mess. Apps are everywhere. Especially if you have Adobe CS4 and other third party apps on your computer. Well…have no fear, Launchpad Control is […]

Mac OS X Lion: What to do if you hate the Launchpad.

First off, we’ll admit. We’re fans of the Launchpad—the new iPad-like startup screen on Mac OS X Lion. Not the name, but the application. It’s pretty cool and handy. But we realize there’s different strokes for different folks, and we’ve heard rumblings of our own that some of you aren’t so excited about Launchpad. Well…never […]