Have you come across your share of issues with the new OS X Lion software from Apple? Well, if so, you’re not alone. And Darren Murph over at Engadget has listed a few of the most common complaints that have been popping up across the web.
Darren states: You can kiss Rosetta support goodbye, and secondly, it seems as if 10.7 is seriously cramping third-party NAS support for Time Machine. We’ve also had numerous reports from folks that are having issues dragging application installs to their Applications folder, not to mention an uptick in Guest account crashes. Of course, there’s also the whole “I can’t get my free update to Lion!” thing, busted Windows partitions and a veritable plethora of dilemmas when looking at Pro Tools and Cubase.
Darren writes it off to early adoption. Which we certainly won’t argue. Because when it comes to early adoption, you have to take both the good and the bad. What issues, if any, are you having?