So you know those of us at MacOSLion.org love the new Mac OS X Lion software from Apple, but what about the so-called experts from around the web? Well, tech blogger Brian Caulfield over at blogs.forbes.com assembled a collection of great quotes from critics around the web. Here’s the list he pulled together:
Walt Mossberg, All Things D: “If you are willing to adjust, it’s the best computer operating system out there.”
David Pogue, The New York Times: “The Lion upgrade, in other words, is classic Apple: innovative to some, gimmicky to others, big leaps forward, a few stumbles back.”
Harry McCracken, Time: “At $29.99, it’s a steal — the no-brainer upgrade that defines the notion of a no-brainer upgrade.”
Brian X Chen, Wired: “Some of the key iPad-like interface tweaks are ugly or nearly useless, but if you just disable and ignore them like I did, full-screen mode, AirDrop, Resume and AutoSave make this very affordable $30 upgrade worth your purchase.”
John Siracusa, Ars Technica: “Seemingly emboldened by the success of iOS, Apple has taken a hatchet to decades of conventional wisdom about desktop operating systems.”
Seems like, for the most part, the experts are as gung-ho for Mac OX X Lion as we are. How ’bout you? What’s the low-down from your first experience?